How Does Your Security Stack Up Against Russian Spies?

The implications of not conducting security control testing are profound. Adversaries are relentless and will exploit vulnerabilities if given the chance. The potential impact includes data breaches, financial losses, damage to reputation, and regulatory penalties. Read More

In today’s cyber battleground, organizations are under constant attack, facing an avalanche of threats daily. Most of us are armed to the teeth with security tools, but we’re still blindfolded in a firefight. So, why should you care about security control testing? Because without it, your adversaries are basically getting the keys to your kingdom.

The Testing Conundrum

Security control testing is like that gym membership you never use — you know you should, but it feels like a chore. So, what’s stopping us?

  1. Budget Battles: We all want top-notch security, but not everyone has a Fort Knox budget.
  2. Need for Speed: The only constant is change. Cyber threats evolve swiftly, and organizations, amidst M&A and expansion, require prompt vulnerability assessments. Insurance providers also need quick evaluations of clients’ security profiles for rate adjustments and tailored recommendations.
  3. Skills Gap SOS: Ever tried to run a security test? It’s challenging. Knowing what and when to test can be complex, especially if you’re new to testing. And manual testing like penetration testing or red teaming can be invasive and resource intensive.
  4. Visibility Woes: Some environments, such as air-gapped networks or assets managed by third parties, pose unique challenges for deploying testing agents, leaving security gaps unnoticed.

The Price of Ignoring Testing

The implications of not conducting security control testing are profound. Adversaries are relentless and will exploit vulnerabilities if given the chance. The potential impact includes data breaches, financial losses, damage to reputation, and regulatory penalties.

A Way Forward

So, what’s the solution? Testing should be easy, painless, and cost-effective. You need a tool that lets you walk in the shoes of an attacker, tests your defenses, and tells you exactly how to patch things up.

AttackIQ Flex

AttackIQ Flex offers full attacker emulation capabilities at the click of a button, making security testing accessible and efficient.

Key features include:

  • All-Inclusive Testing: With AttackIQ Flex, you can test everything — EDR, AV, content filtering — with just a single click.
  • Threat Emulation: We help you emulate full-blown adversary campaigns. It’s like fighting fire with fire.
  • Performance Scorecard: AttackIQ provides a single metric to understand overall security performance, benchmarked globally for comparison.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Our adversary research keeps you one step ahead of the cyber bad guys.

Test Yourself on Turla

AttackIQ Flex: Turla PackageWe recently released a self-contained threat emulation for the Turla (Snake) malware campaign conducted by the Russian FSB. This campaign targeted organizations of all sizes in over 45 countries, including NATO countries, journalists, small businesses, manufacturing, and many others. The FSB established a covert P2P network of infected systems, enhancing its operational reach. Snake’s stealth capabilities, including custom encryption and fragmentation techniques, make it difficult to detect. This type of implant relies on prolonged stealth for successful espionage, underscoring the FSB’s extensive efforts in this covert domain.

With Flex you can run this complete adversary campaign at the click of a button. You don’t need a Ph.D. or to be an expert pentester or red teamer to run it, just point and click — we do the rest.

See how your defenses stack up (for free) by downloading and trialing Flex.

Unleash Enterprise-Grade Security Validation

AttackIQ Flex is priced per result, not per test, making it accessible to organizations of all sizes. Its modularized testing approach ensures that you only pay for the services and tests you need, reducing costs and complexity.

With agentless testing, you’ll experience faster deployment, getting answers to security validation questions in minutes, not weeks. Self-contained test packages simplify the process, lowering the knowledge bar for validating security controls.

Moreover, these packages provide complete visibility, allowing organizations to test even compartmented or closed networks without the need for internet connectivity, callbacks, or agents.

It’s Time to Act

In today’s cybersecurity landscape, proactive testing is not an option; it’s a necessity. AttackIQ Flex empowers organizations to enhance their security posture efficiently and cost-effectively.

Don’t wait until the next cyber threat makes headlines. Take action now to secure your organization’s digital future with AttackIQ Flex.