Center for Threat-Informed Defense

Testing with Realism: Attack Flows and AttackIQ Attack Graphs  

AttackIQ and the Center for Threat-Informed Defense are furthering the art of adversary emulation with the Center's new Attack Flow project. Building on our deep research partnership with the Center, AttackIQ's Attack Graphs emulate the adversary with specificity and realism to test advanced cyberdefense technologies against multi-stage attacks. Read on for more.

The Center for Threat-Informed Defense: Impacting the Public Good

The Center for Threat-Informed Defense is transforming the practice of cybersecurity and elevating security teams' performance all over the world. This blog post looks at research highlights from Center's retrospective 2021 Impact Report, explains why the Center is so important to us at AttackIQ, and shows security teams how to elevate their program performance using a range of free educational resources derived from the Center's research.

In partnership with MITRE Engenuity’s Center for Threat-Informed Defense, AttackIQ launches new automated adversary emulation plan for menuPass

After SolarWinds, organizations need visibility into their security program effectiveness against real world threats. Automated adversary emulations can help meet that need. By generating real data about how your security program performs against menuPass, you can see security failures, make data-informed adjustments, and plan smart investments to optimize your security. Check out the new emulation plan from MITRE Engenuity's Center for Threat-Informed Defense and AttackIQ.
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